THINK RIGHT “Every cell in our body gets affected by our Thoughts”

In the list of precautions from the Corona Pandemic, THINK RIGHT must be given top priority. Now with the virus Delta lurking around the corner, Thinking Right is very important because if fear, anxiety, or nervousness prevail at home and in the workplace, anyone who enters such a domain will get influenced by those vibrations.

Once we allow the energy of Fear to be released it is difficult to arrest it.

With Right Thinking F.E.A.R. has one true meaning: Face Everything And Rise!  – (better than flee everything and run!) – The choice is ours. Right Thinking makes the mind clean and that influences our emotions. Every thought we create has its effect on each and every part of our body.

If we continuously keep on worrying for a month about a relationship or situation not improving, the power of immunity gets lost and our health deteriorates. “Every cell in our body gets affected by our Thoughts.”  Our mental thoughts are invisible vibrations. The vibrations of our every thought reach all the people around us; our neighbors, the entire nation and the whole universe as well.

We all know the powerful sensational effect of coming together and having a single collective thought.  Miracles take place when all of us pray together, meditate and think positively for the welfare of mankind.  If all of us create an atmosphere of fear, calamities will actually follow.  In fact mental quarantine is needed so the fears within me must not create fears in others.  All of us are the creators and need to accept responsibility for our every thought and emotion, for every thought word and behavior. Emotional health means to look to myself first rather than blaming others and situations. This must be done with love, not regret or revenge, with acceptance and the situation transforms or evaporates!

The magic formula :   Stress  =   Pressure / Resilience    

Stress is Pressure divided by Resilience. Pressure means what is happening to me in my life.

Resilience means inner power and it is this denominator we need to energize as this is where the power lies.

Take up a few simple steps to get started:  Practice these exercises to strengthen your Resilience and flex your spiritual muscles.

To begin the day see yourself  as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul. “I, the soul, am waking up in this body.”

Don’t begin or end the day by checking about the world situation!!

Use 30-40 minutes for taking care of the mind from waking until evening, sit in silence, meditate on peace.

Nourish the mind with pure and positive thoughts, studying spirituality and anything positive you like.

Use 15-20 minutes before going to sleep – same thing because these two times have a deep impact on emotional health.

In this way we conserve and improve our emotional health and the mind’s energy.   Fear and anxiety will start reducing.

“Some people will always throw stones in your path. It depends on you what you make with them: A Wall or a Bridge? ”

You are the architect of your life, after all!!

Affirm : People and situations don’t create my emotions; I am the creator of my thoughts, feelings, my life, even my destiny.

*(This article has partial excerpts from “Thinking Right” – Awakening with BK Shivani.)

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