Everything in existence vibrates. Vibration is energy. Vibration travels through water, says Dr Masaro Emoto, born July 1943, a Japanese author known for his research and claims that water has the ability to retain memory. ‘Water responds to human consciousness; it reflects human thoughts.

It shows us what we can’t visibly see.’ Emoto’s research proves this power. Thoughts and words were directed at water droplets, then frozen and put under a microscope. As the drops start to unfreeze, the images reflect our emotions and become beautiful or ugly depending on whether words or thoughts are positve or Negative. Negative emotions such as ‘You fool’ made ugly crystals! Positive emotions, ‘I love you’, created beautiful crystals.

In one of his experiments, samples of tap water from Tokyo were collected and small drops of this water transferred to small dishes and frozen. After 3 hours no crystal formed, just an ugly blob! Then he gathered a small group of participants, adults and children, to encircle this water sample and speak -“Thank you water. We love you water. We will take good care of you water.” Secondly, they were instructed to silently direct these thoughts to the water for the same period of time. As this small group prayed over the water, the ugly blob began to change. Looking through the microscope it was forming beautiful crystals. They were amazed! One child commented, ‘I felt we had become one and I could pray for the water.’ Emoto also proved this change can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words, even names or pictures of people to a container of water. This also works with matter. Take 2 bowls of cooked rice and give negative thoughts to one and positive thoughts to the other. Try it yourself. After a short time the rice in the negative bowl turns brown and smelly while the positive one remains mostly unaffected.

Water in some cases produces beautiful hexagonal crystals, the life force of mother nature; in other cases it produces distorted or no crystals at all. Anything in tune with mother nature manifests as a beautiful hexagonal structure. Anything not in tune does not. What is water trying to tell us? Water collects negative signals from people and the environment and becomes devitalized. Computers, TV, hard rock music, microwave oven, cell phone all form negative crystals. The absence of hexagonal crystals is a sign the life forces have been compromised and have lost their energy.

I think this is the message of water, what it is telling us. It is important for the water around us to be living and to produce only beautiful hexagonal crystals to help us remain healthy.’ For example, a 10 year study showed people who drank only hexagonal water reversed aging, lost weight and strengthened their immune systems.’ Make your own hexagonal water. Simply send your pure loving thoughts to your container of water. Even better, connect your thoughts to God and visualize the vibrations of this spiritual Light and power revitalizing your water. Then before drinking water remember to bless it. The concept of holy water is not unique or current. It has been going on for a few thousand years.

Our thoughts are the primary creative forces in our life. Use them consciously and awaken a whole new life of power and opportunity. By thinking, speaking and acting with the intention of peace towards water, water brings peace to the self, our bodies and the world. In the same way by giving blessings, good wishes and seeing positive qualities of others, our thoughts and feelings empower others and create an energy of love and acceptance. Remember to bless the water you drink; it will light up the cells of your body. If thoughts can transform water, imagine what our thoughts can do to our bodies. At least 70% of our body is water!

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