Happy Mothers Day – We Are All Mothers in Spirit

This Mother’s Day, make sure ‘those who mother you’ know how much you love and appreciate them for being the ‘glue’ that holds it all together. Our willingness to put our thoughts of appreciation into words and actions is all that is necessary. It takes so little to show we care, yet, it means so much. Appreciation can make a day – even change a life. “Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” -Voltaire

Mothers have the power to sustain. They have a full stock of patience, and respond to others with a warm heart and to situations with a cool head. A wise mother waits patiently, speaks positively, releases the mistakes of others easily, sees benefit in everything. A good mother knows how to gently prompt her child into doing what she wants. She doesn’t reprimand by saying, ‘You are a bad child!’. She merely explains the action performed was not right and gives positive suggestions of how to correct it. A mother’s love makes everything it touches special and sacred, filling lives with joy. With motherly love children feel strong and brave and feel and think – “I love you Mom because of who I am when I am with you.”

We’re most alive, happy, secure and able to share when we are loved and our hearts filled with love. To remain full mother yourself with loving thoughts:

The love I give away is the only love I keep. The more love I express the more love I receive in return. I feel in my heart my spiritual Father/Mother knows and continues to fill me with love.

A mother’s love reflects God’s unconditional love, goodness and wisdom. God’s love is limitless, without boundaries, motives and fixed demands; love that gives without asking for anything in return; love that does not see weakness and instead sees the qualities of others, love that is soft and strong with no hidden fears and insecurities. God, our Supreme Mother, always sees each child as #1.

When we put gender aside, we recognize we are all mothers in spirit; then everyday becomes a Happy Mothers’ Day.’ The good we do, others will often forget tomorrow. ‘Do good’ anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and others anyway!

Special programs atPeace Villagewith Internationally known and loved Sr Jayanti concluding on Sunday, May 21, with public program The Call of the Time; Life’s Bigger Questions  from 4:30 – 6 pm EST. Tel +1  518 589 5000 for details.

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