Greetings twitted by Embassy of India, Moscow

Moscow ( Russia ): The Embassy of India, Moscow, celebrated the 7th International Day of Yoga in collaboration with a few social organisations.

BK Sudha Gupta, Director of Brahma Kumaris in Moscow, spoke about the connection to our inner self, and that yoga  emphasizes being in connection to our true selves, to our soul, and that soul is the very thing that gives life to our bodies. Ms. Gupta said that yoga puts us on the balanced way of life. She said that the main aim of yoga is peace of mind which is needed for the health of the soul.

Ms Gupta thanked Embassy of India, Moscow,  and JNCC for organizing International Day of Yoga 2021 in an online format and wished everyone peace of mind and emotional stability.

Greetings were shared by Ms. Gupta, on the occasion.

Ms. Sudha Rani Gupta, Director, Brahma Kumaris, Moscow, and Senior Raja Yoga Teacher, India, Twitted (sent a message with) good wishes to everyone on the International Day of Yoga 2021.


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