Gita Jayanti Greetings To All

Gita Jayanti : Exclusive

Have you heardof celebrating the birthday of any religious scripture existing on this planet?  Certainly No.

But it is singularly ShrimadBhagawad Gitathat enjoys such a unique status. Why because, it is the only scripture where the name of GOD figures not only in its title but also in the superscriptions as ‘Sri Bhagavanuvacha’ to a whopping574 verses certifying that it is the direct speech of God.

There are evidences in abundance that the revelations in Gita are intended for the spiritual enlightenment of whole of today’s mankind and not just one Arjuna or just  one segment of the humanity called Hindus as widely believed.

It is crystal clear that Gita isgrosslymisinterpretedto such alevel that even Hindus who adopt the scripture as their religious text also fail to welcome the ultimate spiritual truths revealed by it. This confusion has led to certain undesirable belief systems about Gita as follows.

  • The foremost among the misinterpretationsis that Gita is basically understood as a “YuddhaSastra”triggering a violent war on the battlefield of Kurukshetraunder the guidance of the God himself.
  • Gita is not relevant to the present day Kali Yugitesas the revelations pertain toDwapara Yuga.


  • Gita teachings are primarily meant to motivate one person namedArjuna to fight the above stated war.


  • The humanity recognizes Gita as the religious scripture of only one segment of the humanity called Hindus.


  • Gita is to be compulsorily read, recited or listened on the occasions of eventualities of death of one’s near and dear.


  • The above illogical conclusions drawn by the humanity in general and Hindus in particular have resulted in a piquant situation where the entire humankind including Hindus are searching for truth about God outside ofGita revelations.

Through this briefwriteup, a sincere and honest attempt is made to find out whether the revelations in 574 verses captioned BhagawanUwachagive credence to such belief systems.

Belief system (1): Gita is a YuddhaSastra.

Truth: Gita speaks of “Yoga Sastra” and not “YuddhaSastra”.  At the end of all the 18 chapters, we observe the words “Brahmavidyaayaam Yoga Sastre” and the names of chapters end with the word “Yoga”.  For eg.ArjunaVishaada Yoga, Sankhya Yoga, Karma Yoga etc.  Besides, there are 93 verses which bear the word “Yoga” while just 12 verses contain the words “Yuddha”, “Rann” & “Sangram” evidencing “war”.  It is common knowledge that wars were fought against enemies.  However, God is not talking of physical enemies as assumed but of the five rebellious vices. The two vices “lust and anger” are declared as the deadliest foes [3:37; 3:39; 3:43 etc.].  Similarly, while the true self if realised supports as one’s relative, otherwise unrealised self (soul)will be one’s own enemy and works for self-ruination [6:5; 6:6]etc.

Belief System (2): Gita pertains to the period inDwapara Yuga.

Truth: There are 25 verses bearing the words “nara; praja; maanava; manushya&jana” evidencing that Gita is applicable to human beings only.  Science also confirms that human beings dwell only on this planet at this time. Besides, Gita in verses 4:7-8 reveals that God descends at a time when irreligiousity reaches its peak to “re-establish a righteous world(dharma samsthaapanaardhaayasambhavami)” orderwhich is the present time only.  Yet another concrete evidence is observed in chapter 16 [daiva-asurasampadavibhaga yoga] where all the demonaicor vicious qualities (lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego) stay intoday’s humankind only.

Belief System (3): Gita is revealed only to Arjuna.

Truth: Verse 9:17 reveals that God is the One Universal Supreme Father of the entire humanity comprising of 8 billion human beings. Verse 11:43 (ArjunaUwacha) powerfully corroborates the above truth. Even people of all religious faiths concur with this truth. For eg.“twamevamaataachapitaatwameva” (Hindus); Heavenly God Father (Christians); Allah O’ Akbar (Muslims); EkOmkar (Sikhs) etc.  The three-dimensional testimony clearly shows that God is Universal.

Belief system (4): Gita is the scripture of Hindus.

Truth: Gita contains five words viz. “Viswa”, “Loka”, “Jagat”, “Sarwa” & “Iha” in as many as 137 verses evidencing universal applicability of the teachings.For eg.5:29 “sarvalokamaheswaram”; 10:3 “vetthilokamaheswaram”; 9:17 “pitahamasyajagatah”; 11:43 “pitaasilokasyacharacharasya” etc.No evidences foundto confirm that Gita belongs only to Hindus.

Belief system (5): Gita must be heard when someone in the family dies.

Truth:  No direct evidence found. However, we can infer that such a conclusion is drawn on the revelations in Gita which certify that Gita is a “spiritual” text [10:32, 13:11] and not a “material” one.  Death symbolises departure of the immortal and eternal soul from the mortal and perishable body.  Since, the soul lives even after the body perishes , Gita is remembered.

Conclusion:  One must unlock the deep mysteries in Gita to realise the TATTVA which remained unexplored so far, to grasp the essence and message of Godthrough Gita. Only then, one will realize that the entire focus of God’s teachings is on transformation of the latent personality traits [sanskars /propensities] inherent in the souls from the degraded tamasic state to the highest sattvic state which is the qualification prescribed by God to enter the forthcoming Satyug variously described by the names Heaven, Paradise, Jannat, Swarg, Vykunth etc. in the scriptures of various religions.

Thus, Gita is a unique spiritual text intended for spiritual enlightenment of today’s mankind only.  Who shall realise these truths eventually? The answer comes directly from God with absolute authority and abundant clarity that in the ultimate analysis, only a minuscule group comprising of the right thinkers and the truth seekers from amongst the present day humankind realises the true nature of God and the essence of His revelations through Gita (7:3).  Needless to state that God being Supreme, His teachings are meant for the ‘spiritual revival.ofHis unique human creation.


मृत्यु नश्वर और नाशवान शरीर से अमर और शाश्वत आत्मा के प्रस्थान का प्रतीक है। चूंकि शरीर के नष्ट होने पर भी आत्मा जीवित रहती है, इसलिए गीता गाई जाती है।
निष्कर्ष: गीता के माध्यम से भगवान के सार और संदेश को समझने के लिए, तत्त्व को समझने के लिए गीता में गहरे रहस्यों को अनलॉक करना चाहिए जो अब तक अज्ञात रहा। तभी कोई महसूस करेगा कि भगवान की शिक्षाओं का पूरा ध्यान आत्माओं में निहित अव्यक्त व्यक्तित्व लक्षणों [संस्कारों/प्रवृत्तियों] के परिवर्तन पर है जो पतित तामसिक अवस्था से उच्चतम सात्विक अवस्था में प्रवेश करने के लिए ईश्वर द्वारा निर्धारित योग्यता है। आगामी सतयुग को विभिन्न धर्मों के शास्त्रों में स्वर्ग, स्वर्ग, जन्नत, स्वर्ग, वैकुंठ आदि नामों से वर्णित किया गया है।
इस प्रकार, गीता एक अद्वितीय आध्यात्मिक पाठ है जो केवल आज की मानव जाति के आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान के लिए अभिप्रेत है। आखिर इन सच्चाइयों को कौन महसूस करेगा? उत्तर पूर्ण अधिकार और प्रचुर स्पष्टता के साथ सीधे ईश्वर की ओर से आता है कि अंतिम विश्लेषण में, केवल एक छोटा सा समूह जिसमें सही विचारक और सत्य चाहने वाले शामिल हैं, वर्तमान समय में मानव जाति के माध्यम से ईश्वर के वास्तविक स्वरूप और उनके रहस्योद्घाटन के सार को महसूस करते हैं। गीता (7:3)। यह कहने की आवश्यकता नहीं है कि ईश्वर सर्वोच्च होने के कारण, उनकी शिक्षाएँ ‘आध्यात्मिक पुनरुत्थान’ के लिए हैं।

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