Finding Balance – Your Life, Your Priorities : Free Online Talk on June 23

Human life is an amazing and somehow mysterious gift! Throughout our journey we constantly adapt and balance out even without realising it.  Our capacity to do so depends on our ability to figure out how to manage the bumps but also be deeply in tune with ourselves so we can read and comprehend our deeper needs and match them with our priorities.
Finding Balance – Your Life, Your Priorities
Free Online Talk  |  Friday 23 June  |  6.30pm – 7.30pm BST
Organised by Inner Space Manchester
Since 1992, Valériane Bernard has been actively involved in the ecological movement,  promoting sustainable development and raising public awareness about the forces that drive climate change. Underpinning these community-based activities is her interest in spirituality.  From a young age, Valériane foresaw that only genuine personal engagement between people could create quality of life in the human family. This insight led her to
an active spiritual life from the age of 25, committing to peace through meditation and creating tools of awareness to advance the condition of women, promote fair relationships with our environment, resolve workplace disharmony and through interfaith gatherings within the community, broaden cultural understanding. Valériane has produced radio programs on the theme of culture of peace, personal development, and quality of life in Costa Rica and was the Assistant to the Director at the NGO Ecole Instrument de Paix, Geneva, Switzerland.
Valériane has made her home in six countries and is fluent in four languages. Currently living near the France-Switzerland border, she continues to build bridges of understanding between cultures as the Brahma Kumaris’ representative to the United Nations in Geneva.
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Passcode: wisdom

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