Bring God’s Plan into the New Year, Change the World of Darkness into the World of Light

Life can become fulfilling only when we see the material world in a spiritual light. We then realize the quality of our life depends on us, on the quality of our thoughts. Our mind is a powerful thing! Our mind is not a cage. It is a garden and requires cultivating. Put your attention upon what you want to become and remove it from what you want to overcome. Plant flowers, Remove weeds!

We may have forgotten or never noticed it, but an aspect of the soul, the intellect, our conscience, watches our thoughts as they arise and leave. We need to get in touch with this observing capacity of the self, as it helps us see the full picture better, to know what we are thinking . As we watch our thoughts, how one thought leads to the rest, we can see if we are heading down a healthy path. If thought unhealthy, change directions. A better way of life is in my hands. Every difficult situation becomes an excuse to do something new. Count your blessings, by filling the mind with positive thoughts our life begins to change. Focus your thoughts on the brightness of each day, on warm and happy faces, on voices that speak from the heart. Focus on the positive and become light-hearted and our interactions will be full of love.

Good feelings are generated in the mind, transmitted through our attitude and reflected in our eyes and smile. Making up our mind means ensuring that our thoughts are positive and our feelings towards others are filled with good wishes. Others will then begin to sense a deeper beauty emanating from behind your eyes and face. Don’t hide this inner beauty. Let the real you show through. Wear the glasses to see only specialties, nothing else should be visible. For instance, when you wear red glasses, even something green will appear to be red. When coming into connection with everyone, adopt the vision of seeing only their specialties and you will also feel special.

It is the feeling of friendship that gives people inner strength and hope. “Do prove you are with us….you will not let us go…and then life will win over death, and light will win over darkness.”- President Zelenskyy. All 8 billion of us souls are the children of God. We all have the same Father, our imperishable Friend. He takes us beyond concerns of this world, helps us create a strong inner stage, have friendship with everyone and experience fortune in every step.

To experience a Happy New Year and New You, embrace and practice this spiritual wisdom. Recognize ‘God is doing’ and we souls are the instruments helping Him get everything done. In this consciousness send your thoughts of love and power to those in need. Bring God’s plan into this world and change the world of darkness into a world of light.

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