“Awakening Fresh Rays of Hope for the New Decade”- Programme for Sindhi Community

London ( UK ): Brahma Kumaris Global Co-operation House(GCH), London organized a New Year Programme for the Sindhi Community with BK Sister Jayanti, Director of the Brahma Kumaris in Europe and Middle East, on the topic “Awakening Fresh Rays of Hope for the New Decade

BK Jyoti Wadwhani welcomed everyone warmly to GCH and the New Year.
Jyoti also introduced the topic and mentioned how ‘only God though is the Comforter of Hearts. Dilaram is the beautiful title assigned to God, and this name is music for the soul. Once this title is accepted the heart starts to ‘tap dance’.
Spiritual points BK Sister Jayanti raised in her talk were:  At the beginning of 2020 we can see the world is fragile. So its important to be an instrument to stay quiet and still so we can help others go beyond fear and worry and hold a vision of a better world. Ø Brahma Baba was once asked if it is possible to have a world without suffering or illness: His response was ‘ Yes, it is possible. But we need to remove negativity from human hearts’. There is a lot of darkness in the world but we can be a ray of hope to carry light to whoever we meet. Having attended the climate change conferences since 2009 I have seen there is a lot of information out there. And if anyone had doubts or questions on the impact of human intervention on nature…now we can all see it is a reality. But the question is what can I do about it?

It is interesting to see how a whole new wave in climate change awareness was started by a 15 year old, Greta Thunberg. So it just shows when one individual begins to think deeply about the world around her and begins to do something, so many young people are rising up and saying ….what about our future? So there is a moment when a flame is ignited in one heart and it hits the right time so it shows us the way forward. Climate change is the trigger for much of the unrest in the world. Underpinning the war in Syria was the trigger of drought and unequal distribution of water supplies. This was also the case in Chile last year so that the COP conference had to change venue to Spain.

What is the good news? People are understanding we are all responsible and we all need to do something. And even if it is one individual who gets inspired to do something positive in life it can inspire many others. When change starts it is slow and then when it gathers momentum it becomes fast. Although there is darkness each one can be a ray of light as we awaken.

What is needed is a change of consciousness and a change of heart.  I can start to shift my consciousness and this will remove blockages from the heart and then with a big, open and generous heart many things can happen.
Today’s spiritual lesson was about hope and being the support for others and find ways to uplift others.  We need to clean the heart with the broom of understanding and knowledge. Then the heart becomes generous.
Sister Jayanti  picked up on three words recently taken up by Dadi Janki:
*HONESTY –  I need to look deeply into the heart and see what is going on. We need time to dialogue with the self. By valuing the self we make time for the self. It begins with curiosity as we want to find out what is going on inside of me. With this inner journey of exploration and understanding the self we will discover more and more, both good and bad. The more honest we are with the self the more transparent we will be in our relationships with others. Relationships get into a tangle when we haven’t understood each other, but this is not surprising when we haven’t understood the self. We often find a critical voice inside that is trying to make us perfect but it can be so critical that it makes me feel hopeless. On the spiritual journey we learn that originally we started pure, clean and beautiful…filled with love, truth, joy and peace. We have to learn to accept this through experimentation and meditation.
‘We were created in the image of God’ is an expression that comes in all the scriptures…..All of us have experienced God’s help reaching us when we have needed it most. When we turn to Him, He is waiting there for me. Even if we
haven’t found a way, He finds a way to reach me. When we have the experience of relationship with God it is easier to look at all that is going on with honesty…… and see the good in the reflection, as well as the critical voice.
The Ocean of Love can help open up the blockages within me.
*CLEANLINESS –  If I dislike someone then that poison will make me dislike myself. This will block love reaching me and then others. It can start with a minor irritation that develops into dislike.  If I am carrying this I need to clean it and work with honesty on the self. God helps with cleaning out all the dislikes.
Then I can take love and absorb that within the self. Seeing virtue in others means that things are sorting out and I am able to start giving bit of love. When I am cleaning I will feel much more comfortable with the self. A clean heart means nothing but positive good wishes for everyone. When we change our vibrations people feel different…. God is able to clean out all the rubbish that has sat there before, all that is creating discomfort. When we feel bright and shiny within we feel happy.
*SIMPLICITY –  Simplicity in diet, life and thinking is not so easy to create. But in my thoughts it will make them clear. A complicated mind can add to the complexity of life. Can I learn to make it clear by removing negative thoughts and feelings. Can I deal with wasteful and weak thoughts and feelings? So that then my thoughts are clean and powerful and then there won’t be so many of them. Creativity is a profound slow process. But waste and negative thoughts move like a tsunami, they take over and knock us down. So we need SLOW…CLEAN…PURE…POSITIVE….BEYOND POSITIVE (ELEVATED) THOUGHTS.
Sometimes when we pray we do but often praying can be a list. When we recognise God’s attributes and qualities we can experience a deep understanding of who He is and what He does.  When we remember we are pure and peaceful souls and learn to be this, we can feel God’s presence and can start to dialogue with Him and experience a close relationship with Him.
We have been singing to Him for so long and so now it is my right to speak to Him as His child.  Simplicity doesn’t mean mediocre. It means living with clean, pure and powerful thoughts and feelings. We can experiment and the more we rehearse this the more natural it will become. We will see our goodness that is not created from ego but from the practise of identifying with being God’s child.
Does Self Compassion help in having good feelings for the self? Definitely. The critical voice that comes up is a strong one for many of us and the state of insecurity within and in our lives can stress us and all the different roles we are playing can pull us so we don’t feel safe and secure. So If we can learn to have compassion for the self and be kind to the self then I am building up that state of value and esteem for the self. The reason why there is a lack of compassion in the world due to a lack of self compassion. So it again begins inside to reach outside. Gratitude is also a powerful way to turn things around in the self. Write a 100 points of gratitude and see how it transforms your feelings and raises your energy….this is an act of charity! We need a plan to sustain this energy …..
Sometimes we feel that we are taken advantage of when we are kind and positive all the time….If we stay connected with The Source and then I see that it is not me giving kindness or compassion…..that it is coming from up above and I am not being depleted but filled more and more. When we feel that it is ‘I’ who is being compassionate etc….let me be an instrument…it is coming from above and reaching another…Let me keep myself surrounded by God’s protection……His love and light and then another’s anger doesn’t hurt me. I can be calm and stable and unhurt. That canopy will then also reach them.

The talk was followed by a beautiful video dedicated to Brahma Baba and then
Toli and Blessings were shared with everyone.

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