“Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times” : Programs in Hungary

Hungary ( Europe ): BK Bharat Bhushan from Panipat, India visited Hungary during his Central European tour. His visit was very beneficial for all. A public program on the theme “Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times” was attended by 30 people.

A retreat in the weekend was held on the topic “The Miracle of Silence –
Relationship with God”.  24 people participated in the retreat, including a  sister from Ukraine and a brother from Netherlands.

BK  Bhushan spoke about different topics: Godly Disciplines in BK Life, Conquering Subtle Forms of Maya, Staying Always Enthusiastic, How to be a Constant and Easy Yogi.

BK Bhushan also met the the first and the second secretary of Indian Embassy. He inspired all to do more service and shared practical methods to do that. He made everyone do several drills to increase the soul conscious stage and enthusiasm. His example showed that it is possible to be a constant yogi and to stay in constant remembrance. They had meditation, silent walks, churning and charging.

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