“All Religion’s Cordial Meet” at Brahma Kumaris Centre of Shahada

Shahada ( Maharashtra ):Brahma Kumaris held a program of “All Religion’s Cordial Meet” at their Centre at Brundavan Nagar in Shahada, Maharashtra to discuss on the issue of “Creating a Noble Society Through Religion and Spirituality”.

The main speaker of this meet was BK Narayan, which was attended by Khagendraji Maharaj (Bhagwatacharya),  Smita Parasmal Jain (Advocate), Gyani Ranjeet Singh (Chief of Gurudwara), Maulana Saheb, Father John (Principal of Chvra School) and BK Vidya (Centre in Charge).

BK Narayan in his oration said, “There are many Religions active in the World today but still men are devoid of Happiness and Peace in Life. What may be the reason? Who can make Human Life Peaceful and Happy?” He said that for this one must have the true knowledge of Self, of God and His Powers. It is necessary to contemplate deeply for knowing the Self. He said, “Truth can be realized only by Spirituality. Beyond the limits of Religion, the Spirituality gives true realization of God and makes Life Blissful”.

Khagendraji Maharaj said, “Religion is that which has been Preserved and the one which has to be Realised is Spirituality. The attention paid to Speech (Sound) is Religion and when focused on Action (Kaarya) is Spirituality”. He said, “I am feeling very good to see the assembly of all Religious Heads on one platform of Brahma Kumaris. In fact, such programs are very much needed for the good of all of us because we can Create a Noble Society only by the feeling of mutual Brotherhood and Love for each other”.

Smita Parasmal Jain said that there may be differences among all Religions but there cannotbe any difference in case of Spirituality. Religion is not a matter of discussion or debate, but it is to be practiced in life.

Gyani Ranjeet Singh said that God has sent us as Human Being and a Teacher is required to guide him whose teachings must be followed by us in our lives. There by our Society can become very Superior and Value Based.

Maulana Saheb, “One who get lost in the morning but returns back in the evening, is not called as lost. That means Man when realizes his mistakes, repents in due course of time. Then Allah (God) too forgives him because He is a Supreme Power who keeps record of all our Actions”.

Father John said, “Love your Foes and pray for them who persecute you”.

BK Vidya lead all Religious Heads to take an oath thus, “We shall have Goodwill for all and shall deliver powerful vibrations of Peace for 5 minutes daily for entire World in our prayers and shall ever live like loving Brothers”.

News in Hindi:

धर्म एवं आध्यात्मिकता द्वारा श्रेष्ठ  समाज की स्थापना

उक्त कार्यक्रम ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय वृंदावन नगर शाहदा में रखा गया है क्योंकि वर्तमान समय में अनेक धर्म दुनिया के अंदर कार्य कर रहे हैं लेकिन इतने धर्म होने के बावजूद मानव जीवन सुख और शांति से भरपूर नहीं है तो इसका कारण क्या है वास्तव में मनुष्य को सुख शांति से परिपूर्ण कौन बना सकता है  इसके लिए सत्य की पहचान चाहिए  स्वयं की सत्य पहचान और ईश्वर की शक्ति पहचान चाहिए इसके लिए स्व चिंतन करना एवं अंदर की गहराई में जाना आवश्यक है जब तक हम अंदर की चेतना की गहराई में नहीं जाएंगे तब तक सत्य मिलना मुश्किल है सत्य आध्यात्मिकता के द्वारा मिलता है  अध्यात्म हमें स्वयं की पहचान दिलाता है और  सत्य ईश्वर की पहचान कराता है  यह  हद के धर्म  मजहब से ऊपर उठकर स्वयं की और परमात्मा की पहचान कराता है  क्या तुम के द्वारा ही हम अध्यात्म के द्वारा ही हम अपने जीवन को खुशहाल बना सकते हैं


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