“A Game of Consequences” : Live Event On July 4th

London ( UK ) : Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path  – BK Shivani

 ‘A Game of Consequences’ on Sunday 4 July, 2021, 3:00pm – 4:30pm BST

When we have a clean heart and understand how the law of ‘action’ truly works, we have the best chance of enjoying the game of life, and all the consequences we bring back to ourselves. When we understand the actions of ‘humanity’ as a whole we can see the consequences of these on our dear planet and why now people and governments across the globe are seeking to address the need to change our habits and actions so the earth can flourish again.

Raja Yoga Master Sister Shivani will explain how this journey starts within each individual spirit and how now is the time to strengthen our inner being so we can align our actions with our original benevolence.











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